The boomerang of mass

This year’s Oscars was the highest rated in a decade. Now that may have something to do with its universally amusing host or the films and individuals up for awards. However, I think it speaks to a broader trend in our ever-more-connected world.

The ‘Internet of everything,’ social media, mobile and wearable technology provide us with unlimited access to connect with micro-communities of people who have the exact same interests, no matter how niche. The microcosm makes us feel safe and secure. We’re delighted it exists, a place to just “be me” without shame or compromise.

We have become accustomed to find information and be a part of any topic imaginable, no matter how odd or specific. Googling “air sickness bag collection” (exact match) returns 44,200 results.  There’s even a virtual museum for the hobby. This unprecedented accessibility allows us to focus on only things that concern and matter to us. The epitome of egocentricity.

However, as humans, we also have the need to be a part of something bigger.  We’ve moved so far away from the masses, we actually miss being part of the crowd.  We may yearn for the days of “appointment television” where we knew that collectively a huge amount of people would be experiencing the exact same thing at the exact same time.

While, I think the “long tail” will continue to grow, I think there will also be a growing need to become a part of the masses once again.

To watch something “everyone” is watching.  To tweet something “everyone” is tweeting.